Monday, October 1, 2007

Kids are great but...

My friend Kate told me about an admissions question to her education grad program that posed that question.

After only a month of teaching in a classroom, and reflecting on my other teaching experiences, I would fill it in with the following options:
... they can be real jerks! Like the kid at the Constitution Center who kindly informed me that I was breaking out, kids can be quite insulting. Sometimes they don't realize they're saying things that are unkind, but several of the angels I've taught know perfectly well where the line is and how far past it they are. I'm glad I don't speak Mandarin, so so it's easier to let it roll right off.
... they're really stinky sometimes. At least I know I'm not the only person on this island who sweats constantly.
... sometimes, enough is enough. We had classes on Saturday, specifically, we did a my most demanding class schedule on Saturday. And then we did it again on Monday. I can say without a doubt that I'd sincerely prefer the company of my boyfriend, my family, my boyfriend's family, my friends, or my own peace of mind.


Nomad0921 said...

There is a wide line between innocence and arrogance - the awakening that people undergo to know the difference between the two and then how that knowledge is used is one of the delineators between nice people and not-so-nice people. (How philosophical of me!) Some of the not-so-nice people are also called shock jocks.

katie said...

On that Saturday, I would have preferred the company of my bed.