Saturday, June 28, 2008

Weekly Mandarin: 48

48th edition: Zai Jian

(For the ultimate irony, this final Weekly Mandarin was written in Hawaii! Where they don't speak Mandarin!)

This last week has been a week of many "last"'s. Last meal at the awesome vegetarian restaurant. Last class as a teacher. Last time in Taiwan (maybe). And lots and lots of goodbyes. (I'll post some of the best pictures here when I get them.)

Through all of this, I have absolutely determined that I prefer Chinese for this one. People in Taiwan say "bye bye" a lot, 'cause it's easy to say. But Chinese's standard farewell is "zai jian." It translates to "next time I see you" and I think it's just a better way to end things than an English "goodbye." It's open ended and is filled with possibility. And exactly how I want to leave Taiwan.

So with that, I finish my last post on JennygoestoTaiwan. Thanks for reading.


nutttshell said...

it's so sad! and exciting at the same time. i'm highly impressed that you kept this up all year!

hopefully see you soon.

Mandi said...

Hi Jenny,
I've really enjoyed reading your blog. I'm leaving for Taiwan in a few days to start work as an ETA, and I was wondering if you could tell me more about finding a dragon-boating team? It sounds like the perfect extracurricular!!
Mandi (Tiantian)

Joe Gigliotti said...

Jenny, we new fulbrighters would like collaborator access to your annotated google map... can you let me know how that can be done?


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