Sunday, March 2, 2008

Weekly Mandarin: 31

31st edition: Ke Yi?

Ke yi means "could..." and I'm glad to have finally learned it because it makes me feel more polite. I don't just tell people "I want..." or just say whatever it is and hope that they understand they are the intended actor of some verb. But it's "uuuhhh could you...."?

And my Mandarin teacher, if she was reading this (which... gosh, she could be because the internet's like that), would think that I was wrong because really I was supposed to learn this last chapter. But here's where I really mastered it:

Here in Taiwan, there is a phenomenon called "KTV" meaning Karaoke TV. You get a small room to do private karaoke in with however many of your friends you want. And you get to pick the songs, of course. So Katie and I wanted to karaoke to our favorite Asian singer's superspy hit Agent J, but didn't know how to write it! So, invoking both "ke yi" and Weekly Mandarin 13's word... I successfully asked the KTV host to write the name of the song so we could dance to it. And dance to it we did (though we don't really know the words, so... it wasn't so much on the karaoke).

So this week's Mandarin goes out to Jolin. Here's here kick-butt video on YouTube. I'll let you guess which parts we recreate in dance class;)

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