Friday, December 21, 2007

Weekly Mandarin: 21

21st edition: Bu hao ting

I'm a little disappointed to admit that this is the bit of Chinese from this week that will stick with me the most, but I have yet to learn how to let insults roll off me.

I've had a sore throat for the past two weeks, but Christmas carols will wait for no man or woman, so I still had to sing Christmas carols with my kids. Unfortunately, one of my sixth graders found it necessary to shout out "bu hao ting" as I tried to get the class excited about Jingle Bells. That means "that sounds bad."

And, honestly, I would have been a lot more ok about it if she had even bothered to use the English we JUST taught the class: how to say things smell/sound/taste bad or good. Insult + injury

I will never voluntarily teach classroom middle school.

1 comment:

Nomad0921 said...

A bad Christmas carole is better than no Christmas - see if you can find a way to tell that sixth grader that.....