Thursday, November 29, 2007

Weekly Mandarin: 18

18th edition: Jai you

This is a word that I am quite certain will be a part of my spoken vocabulary from now on. It even slipped out accidentally during one of my third grade classes (the students are supposed to think I don't know any Chinese).

Jai you is something along the lines of "go go GO!" like a cheer. I hear it a lot: like from the soccer fields 13 floors down from my window, like during yoga class when we'd really all prefer to curl up into child's pose but instead get coaxed into bridges. It's also nearly impossible to say without doing a shoulder wiggle or full out air punches.

So when I'm home in America watching a frisbee game, now Brian will know when I'm cheering. Because it'll be in Mandarin.

1 comment:

Nomad0921 said...

I need you to teach me this one when you get a chance. I see many uses of this, at Steve's plays for one example!