Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Weekly Mandarin: 5

5th Edition: Pah boo

Food is a huge part of the culture here. I've had a few moments of "oh. my. gosh. get-this-out-of-my-mouth" but mostly, the food has been pretty great. However, this causes its own problems. Because I'd prefer not to return home the size of a hippo, I've taken up a new hobby: pah boo.

"Pah boo" is "running" in Chinese. It's the one thing every class, regardless of grade, understood when I was introducing myself and my hobbies. It has become a very important part of my day, mostly so I don't feel too rolly polly. And, luckily, across the street from my apartment is a huge high school with a nice track.


Nomad0921 said...

Better than "poo bah"! Steve, Liz and I really like the picture of you teaching class - you look so academic ! The class looks like a bunch of clones of what I used to look like when I was in elementary school - that's a scary thought. Speaking of scary thoughts, now we have 4 runners in the family - welcome to the track team!

Jenny said...

Haha. What you can't see in my teaching picture was that I was dripping in sweat. The school isn't airconditioned, so it's awful in the afternoons. But I do think it's a pretty cool pictures. Definitely one for the teaching portfolio.

And the running is more "jogging" but I'm just trying to maintain a healthy weight and keep my energy up more than anything else.