Besides my classroom teaching (17 periods per week, plus prep) I'm also reading stories to 2 or 3 classes per week. This can be a challenge with language learners-- since my sixth graders have the English of a native second grader, but think that they're too old for picture books. I would love to know some very short, simple language stories that aren't really picture books per say, so I welcome your suggestions. Right now, I think I've found an option with a book of minimally illustrated Aesop's fables. With the older kids, they already know the story so it's really a language exercise for them. So far so good.

I'm a narcissist. We did a book about a teacher for Teacher's Day.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar with fifth grade kids

A silhouette game after a Dr. Seuss book on shapes
(with Gladys, the adorable and brilliant daughter of my co-teacher, Hopkins)
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